The West Bengal Government has initiated the Scheme Choker Alo Yojana 2021 for aspirants. On 5th January 2021, the government has introduced this scheme with full effects. There has another campaign running in the West Bengal scheme that has Duare Duare Paschim Banga Sarkaar and Paray Paray Samadhan Yojana. In Chokher Alo Yojana the WB state government has given free-of-cost eye-related treatment for senior citizens. Chokher Alo Scheme Registration 2021 The State Government has also conducting eye tests for near about 10 Lakh students of West Bengal. In addition near about 4 Lakh students will also get Spectacles. However, this scheme has also included Anganwadi Staff for treating eyes and this has free for them too. The eyes have also a very important part of the human body. Without eyes, it has difficult to survive. So through WB Chokher Alo Yojana 2021, the Chief Minister of West Bengal Shree Mamta Banerjee has helped the old citizens as well as students who need this support. ...