Trippin’ with the Kandasamys is an American Comedy-Romance movie (2021). Mariam Bassa, Maeshni Naicker, Jailoshini Naidoo are the main cast of Trippin’ with the Kandasamys (2021). Your #1 turbulent family is back! This time they’re taking off and going on a merited occasion! Trippin’ with the Kandasamys on Netflix 4 June! Trippin’ with the Kandasamys Trailer Trippin’ with the Kandasamys Wiki Movie: Trippin’ with the Kandasamys (2021) Network: Netflix Director: Jayan Moodley Writers: Rory Booth, Jayan Moodley Main Stars: Mariam Bassa, Maeshni Naicker, Jailoshini Naidoo Genres: Comedy, Romance Country: South Africa Language: English Release Date: 4 June 2021 (Netflix) Runtime: 93 minutes Filming Locations: Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Also Known As: Trippin’ with the Kandasamys, Trippin’ with the Kandasamys (2021), Trippin’ with the Kandasamys Netflix Trippin’ with the Kandasamys Plot Story/ Synopsis/ Summary To revive their relationships, closest companions turned-parents-in...